If you want to see some more of some of these amazing projects then click the images below for the full story.
If its an architecture or public art work below then I have been commissioned to shoot it. I have been super lucky in the last couple of years to fly all over the world to photograph some of the most amazing projects. From architectural models at Duggan Morris in London, to Sculptures by Wolfgang buttress in Milan, Chicago, and Kew Gardens. I must say that photographing The HIVE both in Milan and also at Kew Gardens was one of the most fantastic experiences I have ever had. Its a MUST SEE, and I hope the photos do it at least some justice.
Over the past few years I have travelled the world extensively and this afforded me the possibility to make some work that meant something to me personally. I am always struck by the sense of how our world consumes just what is put in front of it. I have put together some stories based on this theme. From how classic modernist architecture is forgotten and becomes part of the waste cycle, to our meaningless consumption of the everyday object and place that leaves me with a sense of shame for what we leave behind. You can see some of these projects mixed in with the architecture work below.
Delugan Meissl Architects
Wolfgang Buttress
Kew, London
CF Moller Sweden
C.F. Moller
Grenwich, London
Roach Young
Evans Vettori
Halifax, UK
C.F. Moller
Uppsala, Sweden
C.F. Moller
Wolfgang Buttress
Schmidt Hammer Lassen
The Hague
Chandigarh, India
NIMTIM Architects
Huangshan, China
Mikhail Riches
Wolfgang Buttress
Milan Expo 2015
Wiel Arets
Utrecht, Netherlands
SE Asia